Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today is a wonderful day to be weeding. That is if you choose the right spot. My flowerbeds in the back of our home are perfect. Not too wet or too dry they get full sun and are on the west boundary of our property. My raspberries on the south side of our property are still too wet. I also have heavy soil that gets compacted unlike the nice garden soil I have in the flower beds. I need to work on improving the soil around the raspberries so they are easier to weed.

I also have a lot of big weeds. When I get down to weeding I like to see my progress. When the weeds are big it is easy to see what you have done. I get a greater sense of satisfaction that way. I also seem to get a lot more weeds. Most of the weeds I have been pulling are starting to go to seed. If you have weeding and need motivation just think about all the weed seeds you are getting rid of with each weed you pull. And how many thousands of weeds you will not need to pull up if you take care of the weeds now.

As I have been thinking of what to write about each day I have had a lot of ideas come. I think tomorrow I will talk about what tools I feel are the most essential. Also if you would like to get into gardening the bare minimum tools you will need to have what you need to get started. I think I can narrow it down to three. That way you can save some money which I think a lot of people are doing now.

I also hope to get more pictures up soon to make this whole thing a lot more interesting.
Here are the pictures I wrote about. This is where I weeded. I will post the finished pictures tomorrow.

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